Packages and Specials
Packages & Add-Ons
Add arrival packages to your booking
Would you like something extra special waiting for you at the property on the day you arrive? Select from any of the below items and have them waiting for you when you arrive!
Order Instructions: After making your booking, complete our request form below. Ensure you enter your booking details (Ref, lead name & property) so that we can link your order to your booking.
For any of the above items we will require a minimum of 72 hours notice in order to fulfill your request. All add-on packages ordered must be paid for in advance of your stay.
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Bespoke Items & custom requests
For bespoke items please call our team at least 5 days prior to your arrival or fill in the form below and we will absolutely try to put in place what you would like. (please note that we will inform you of the cost, seek your confirmation of order and take full payment prior to placing any orders for service or goods on your behalf).